Thursday, January 27, 2011

4-1 = 3

Yesterday, the comic world was shocked as the Fantastic Four, the comic that essentially started the "Marvel Age", lost one of it's members. When we last left our heroes, Invisible Woman was fighting Atlanteans with Namor, the Sub-Mariner, Mr. Fantastic was attempting to stop Galactus from eating Earth, and the Thing and the Human Torch were attempting to stop the Annihilation Wave, a swarm of bug-like creatures, from invading the planet, a fact made more complicated by the fact that Thing had temporarily become human again.
I'm saying this now: SPOILER ALERT!

However, it is the Human Torch who sacrifices himself to save the universe.

R.I.P Johnny Storm 1961-2011
"Flame On!"

The last issue of Fantastic Four comes out next month.

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