Monday, January 31, 2011


Brendon Connelly from the site Bleeding Cool recently got to ask cinematographer Wally Pfister some questions, and he dropped some interesting news about The Dark Knight Rises.
Talking of the screentests, Kevin asked:

So, Wally you shot Anne’s screen test for Catwoman?

To which he replied in the affirmative. That’s a yes to Kevin saying "Catwoman", not "Selina Kyle". Hmmm.

Pfister added, a little later:

"She looks phenomenal in the wardrobe."

I couldn’t let that lie. Later, I came back to it and asked if this meant what it seems to mean:

"Brendon, I’d get fired and I wouldn’t even get to shoot the picture...I can’t really say, but I definitely want to be around next year..."

 When asked about the rumors of Robin Williams playing Hugo Strange, Pfister had this to say:
"They could turn around and surprise me too. It’s happened before. When I turned around and saw that list of girls that we were going to be screen testing before they cast Anne… I didn’t know myself who was real and who wasn’t until about two days before the tests when Emma told me."
Hmm... Looks like we may indeed be getting Catwoman in this movie. Interesting...

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